Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Day In the Life of Me :)

8:00-Wake up unexpectedly early
Waking up this early for any reason is crazy. Why did I do this? I didn't even go to sleep until 2. I guess I should go ahead and get dressed but at least I get to watch OLTL.

9:00- ONTL is over.
What should I d0 now? Really sleepy...and hungry.
Time for breakfast

10:00-Forgotten homework.
Ugh! Forgot to read textbook for class. I guess I should at least skim it. SMH

11:00- Time for class
Can barely stay awake. Looking at art work that I everyone seems to have an open about but me. " It's just a can?"

12:00- Finally class is over.
My eyebrows are kind of bushy....gotta fix them.

1:00- Starving again.
I guess I'll try this Asian cafe today.

2:00- Laundry
Gotta have clean clothes. And can't let it get to 5 loads again. (NEVER AGAIN)

Paper, Blog, Wiki, practice problems, read.....I guess I should do this?

6:00- Bored
Can't do homework any more....not getting anything done...time to go exploring :)

7:00- Marble Slab!
Yum Yum!

8:00- Time to visit West Campus!
Sat in the park with friends and then their raided closets.

10:00- PARTY!
Time to get dressed and go out!!!!

3:00- Sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The End :)

The Electric Chair

At first glance of this work, I simply thought "Why?". The color yellow represents warmth, brightness, joy, happiness...ect. In contrast, electric chairs represent death, despair, and dread. So how are yellow and electric chairs related?

Is Warhol suggesting that in death, there is joy? Maybe. But to get to the electric chair, one must bring misery and pain to another...once again contrasting with the joy of yellow.

Later, I noticed that the chair was unplugged. So could this symbolize the fact that we are moving further away from this method of execution? And the yellow represents the happiness over the death of legal electrocution.

But then again, this could represent an electric chair used in Alabama, affectionately nicknamed Yellow Mama because of its yellow paint coating. So many possibilities so who really knows?